Serving success — Royal New Zealand Navy Chef of the Year 2019

An outstanding young Royal New Zealand Navy chef who served at sea for most of her first year after training, was recognised with the inaugural Chef of the Year award at Devonport Naval Base in December.
Able Chef Alice Wyatt, 20, from Gore, did her Basic Common Training from August 2018, later topping her Junior Caterers Course intake at Waiouru Army Camp.
She was posted to HMNZS Canterbury three times in the past year — for Operation Hiki Ano, Exercise Talisman Sabre, and most recently for Operation Endurance.
Those experiences resulted in a busy first year with visits to New Zealand and Australian ports as well as Campbell Island in the Sub-Antarctic Islands.
“On HMNZS Canterbury, we usually had 200–250 people to feed at each meal, so it’s a challenge cooking for those large numbers of people. Also at sea you are cooking in a restricted space and have to secure all your equipment for when the seas get rough.”
And bad bouts of seasickness on board ship have not put ACH Wyatt off wanting to go to sea.
“I joined the Navy because I wanted to travel, and I love being at sea. I’m very keen to get another opportunity,” she says. “I’ve tried all sorts of cures.” She says she has always wanted to serve in the military and joined after finishing her studies at Gore High School.
“My mum is a wonderful cook and baker and I’ve grown up around food and baking,” she said. “I have a very sweet tooth and Mum’s carrot cake is my favourite.”
While she has learned a lot working in the ship’s galley, she also enjoys baking and desserts, and gets to specialise in those when serving onshore, learning about making desserts in the Officer’s Mess at the Base.
Fleet Catering Advisor, WOCH Wayne Mitchell, said the Chef of the Year award was awarded to ACH Wyatt for her demonstration of the NZDF core values to a high standard and strong personal traits that exceeded expectations for her experience level.
“During Op Hiki Ano, ACH Wyatt served on HMNZS Canterbury as an Ordinary Chef where she completed the majority of her task book and upon returning to the Vince McGlone Galley, was promoted to Able Chef.
“As a very junior she consistently performs well above the expected standard required of someone at her rank level and experience,” he said.
“She has a knack for thinking outside of the box in order to solve difficult problems before seeking further assistance. This has led to her being trusted to complete functions by herself, even going the next step and taking charge of them — a task which is normally conducted by a two star able or leading Chef.”
WOCH Mitchell said ACH Wyatt has a positive, supportive and respectful demeanour despite undue pressures placed on her as a junior member of the Galley.
“She is motivated to going to and staying at sea despite experiencing a high level of sea sickness. This was seen by her volunteering to augment in the future on-board Canterbury.
“To assist with overcoming her seasickness Able Chef Wyatt demonstrates effective Lead Self behaviours and a proactive attitude, as well as strong problem solving abilities.
Outside of the Galley and the Navy, ACH Wyatt regularly plays weekly sports, and has also been sighted playing the bagpipes — another family talent, this one learned from her uncle. She regularly played in Gore’s Hokonui Celtic group before joining the Navy.